Thursday, June 10, 2010

Almost ready.

Well I have been working very hard on the web-site. It is almost ready! I think that it is starting to look very cool. I just need to have someone look it over on different computers to check compatibility issue etc...  I also have my best friend coming up to spend a week. Good times. Let the summer partying commence.

Here is my fantastic son Michael Angelo having his belt signed by the heavyweight champion of the world Sam Peter!. It was a great day watching him train. 

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Gallery Showing...

 The opening went extremely well. I met many new friends, including some very talented peers. The only thing that posed a problem was the weather though. The radio passed out severe storm warnings for my county which unfortunately were true. All in all a handful of people showed up. I did manage to sell a piece however inspite of the low outcome of patrons.

Friday, June 4, 2010

What to hang........

  Yesterday I had the task of deciding which of all my paintings to choose. I didn't realize I only had room for just four paintings. I had brought fifteen. lol 
  I chose two of my "cloaked figures-  Scarlet Death &  The Enchantress, I also hung Carnivale di Venezia & one of my creature series- Emotional Flow. I also dropped off ten prints including some of my photography to sell. This Sunday is the gallery artist reception.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Today was spent framing all the paintings & matting all the prints. So why do I feel like nothing got accomplished?  lol

This is one from my Fire series . It was really fun to do this series. I will go in depth at a later time as to what I did to achieve this....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome to my blog.

I am in the midst of getting my paintings ready for the two gallery shows coming up. The first one is here in the Poconos PA from June 5th-Nov 31st of this year. The other is in Chelsea NY. It is in Sept. When it gets closer I will give more details.
I am also pulling my hair out of my head framing the paintings, doing the prints & matting them.
More tomorrow....